What is it and what is it for?


Digital marketing is a form of marketing that is based on using technological resources and digital media to develop direct, personal communications that provoke a reaction in the recipient. Fundamentally, digital marketing uses and is present in media such as the internet, mobile telephony, digital television, and even video games.

email, newsletter, marketing


Social Media Marketing

Social media certainly has a rightfully earned spot on this list. Social media marketing is “the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.” That means that all the exchange of information and engagement with followers, fans, partners, or competitors on social platforms in order to promote your products is part of digital marketing. In essence, social media marketing is the specific use of social media conversations to increase awareness of a brand or product.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimizing content or websites to appear in search results on search engines such as Google. Search engines decide which websites to show for a search term. The result shows the sites that best match the keywords. That means that SEO has a lot to do with the use of strategically inserted keywords within the content of a site. There are multiple strategies to optimize your website for search engines: some of them are accepted by Google and others are poorly considered and can result in penalties for your website. There is a strong connection between content, social media marketing, and SEO. As you can see, social media and SEO are supports for content.



While SEO describes the process of getting unpaid traffic on search engines, SEM refers to paid traffic on search engines. The most common form of search engine marketing is probably Google Adwords for the simple reason that Google is by far the most widely used search engine. In SEM, the marketer pays the search engine a predefined amount of money for displaying a marketing message within the SERPs (search results pages). SEM is a Pay-Per-Click form of advertising. In this example, the first result is paid, the subsequent ones are organic, not paid.


email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best marketing and conversion channels. Statistically in fact it is in the top 3 and it is said that the same social networks are a waste of time if you do not work on email. By sending regular updates to your email subscribers, you can create and nurture a relationship. By providing value through a newsletter, you can build trust; and eventually, convert a percentage of your audience into customers. Keep in mind that email marketing is much more than just buying a mailing list and bombarding them with promotional messages or an advertisement. The best email marketing results will always be achieved with a subscriber list that you have personally earned and cared for. Thus, your email list becomes your best digital marketing asset. Email marketing is perhaps the best of the digital marketing examples, only behind content marketing, in terms of results.

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How do we work step by step

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Introduction to Web Design Process

1-Record client details




2-Hold initial briefing meeting

The initial planning meeting will serve as a crucial reference point for the project.

This meeting allows for the scope to be defined and understood so that subsequent outline documents can be prepared.

Use the sub checklist below to define the meeting’s agenda, and use the form fields to collect that information.

  • Discuss company branding strategy
  • Outline the scope of the project
  • List websites to take inspiration from
  • Determine the purpose of the website
  • Clarify the budget and timeframe

3-Describe the company’s existing branding strategy

Upload existing branding materials, if applicable

4-List the parameters of the project including deliverables

5-Enter 5 websites to take inspiration from in the form fields below

6-Describe the key purpose, or aims, of the website

7-Enter the budget for the project

8-Record the deadline for final delivery

9-Prepare a project charter

The project charter should record the key information gathered from the previous meeting in the form of a report.

This document can be referenced within the contracting stage as an agreed upon overview of the project.

10-Finalize contracts so that work can begin

A good contract protects both the client and the designer.

11-Formulate the structure of the website

The most foundational document for a website is the sitemap. This determines the information architecture and will define the base from which the wireframes are built.

Initial wireframes could be done on paper or mocked up digitally. These should represent the skeleton of the website upon which further design work will be based.

12-Design initial mockups

Take the information gained in the initial briefing meeting and the feedback on the initial wireframes and create a first iteration of site mockups.

13-Host a meeting to discuss the mockups

The discussion of the initial mockups and how they can be improved is a very important moment in the ideation process. This is the first point where the client can see what the designer thinks about what the final product should look and feel like.

It is important to be open and honest in this meeting to find positives in the work and to formulate constructive criticisms which can improve the mockups.

14-Begin to draw up refined designs

Once there is a clear direction inspired by the initial mockups, it is possible to move forward and begin fleshing out a single concept.

15-Prepare the final designs

16-Approve the final designs

If the final designs are approved, simply go ahead to complete this task.

17-Deliver the final work

When delivering the final product it is important to understand what format the client hopes to receive the work in.

18-Generate invoice

Congratulations on a successful design project!!!

The step by step of digital marketing at Digital Runner

1.- Define the Marketing objectives of the digital campaign and the investment in advertising management platforms.
Depending on the category, these objectives can be: Web traffic, Visit to the business, Facebook chat messages, brand awareness, among others.

2.- Define the target group receiving the advertising campaign.
At this point, you must take full advantage of the hypersegmentation tools provided by the platforms in order to optimize the ads that will be displayed as much as possible.

3.- Implement the campaign and display it in the selected formats.
Considering the stated objectives, there are advertising formats that have better returns than others.

4.-Make a report in relation to the objectives and investment.
At the end of the campaign, the investment in each advertising format displayed will be detailed. We will replicate the most effective ones and new ones will be implemented.
It is important that at the end of the campaign, information crossing with the client will be carried out, this aspect is essential to meet the stated objectives.

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Terms & Conditions

At Digital Runner we believe transparency helps to maintain friends and also clients. 

Terms and Conditions

Acceptance: The client (You) contracts the services of Digital Runner Diseño web (hereinafter: “Digital Runner”) according to the following terms and conditions.

Receipt of materials: the client will send the typed texts in word or any other editable format from which we can copy them without having to type them, this means that we do not accept scanned or handwritten texts, as material contemplated within the budget. In the same way, the images to include on the site will be sent digitized in jpg., Png., Gif., .Tiff.

Development deadlines: whether you contract a predefined plan or a tailor-made development, the stipulated period of completion will take effect once all the materials and information necessary to be provided by the client have been received. The terms are counted in business days. Any time that the client requires to evaluate the development will be added to the originally stipulated period. In the event that said period exceeds 30 calendar days without mediation, the work will be terminated without the right to reimbursement for any reason.

Conformity and revisions: when contracting the design services of Digital Runner, it is understood first of all, that you have seen samples of our work and that our design style is related to your preferences regarding graphic image. Digital Runner will initially send non-personalized examples and then round an idea as close as possible to the preferences, in terms of functionality and design, of the customer. In these stages the client will give his agreement or request modifications. In view of the above, a maximum of 3 instances of review / correction of the work is considered reasonable. Any modification that involves redoing something previously approved, or excessive requests for modification, will add a cost in hours of work to the price initially agreed. In the event that a requested modification, in terms of programming, complicates or hinders the normal performance of the site, Digital Runner reserves the right not to make it and suggest alternatives, if any. In the event that the client decides to suspend the development, the subscription will be credited for the time invested by Digital Runner, with no refund.

Hiring plans: The plans offered on the web are offered as is, if the client does not use or dispenses with any of the features, it will not imply any kind of discount on the price.

Payment method: In all cases, a payment prior to the start of the job development of 50% is requested. Upon completion of the development and prior to being put online for websites, or prior to submission of high-quality print jobs for graphic design, the full remaining balance will be paid for the job.

Support: Once the development is finished, you will be given instructions in PDF or video on the use of the hosting account and the content administration panel in the corresponding cases. At any time you can ask us additional questions via email.

Maintenance plans: the monthly contracted hours are not cumulative from one month to the next, nor transferable to another client or different website for which they were originally contracted, in all cases the payment must be made prior to the start-up of the service. Each task takes a certain time according to its complexity. The plans give you the freedom to choose where you want to spend this time, but by no means can you get all the tasks done in one month. The customer can unsubscribe at any time, notifying it 7 days in advance to the next expiration.

Registration in Google search and Analytics: Registration in google does not imply positioning of any kind in the search results, this means that if you search by the name of your company or domain name, it will appear in the results without a guaranteed position . Google analytcs what it does is measure the traffic of visits to your site, these reports can serve you for future marketing strategies to take, but they do not imply or include in any way the promotion of your site on the internet.

Backup of graphic design files: Once a graphic development has been completed and the files have been delivered, the client assumes the responsibility of preserving and backing them up. Digital Runner may keep, without obligation, commitment, or responsibility, a copy thereof for a reasonable time available to the client.

Backup of graphic design files: Once a graphic development has been completed and the files have been delivered, the client assumes the responsibility of preserving and backing them up. Digital Runner may keep, without obligation, commitment, or responsibility, a copy thereof for a reasonable time available to the client.

Backup of your site’s files: Digital Runner hosts its clients’ sites on dedicated servers located in the USA, programmed to back up the files and databases of all sites 2 times a week on a second server. This would allow you to quickly restore a site or all of them in the event of any unforeseen event, such as the breakdown of the main server, or even in the face of an anonymous hacker attack on the site’s files. These security measures make the files on your site virtually risk-free. However, exceptions apply that we are obliged to detail: in the event of a serious fire at the datacenter facilities, a natural disaster, war, a state of siege or an extraterrestrial attack. Digital Runner is not responsible for the integrity of the files on its site, nor for any damages that may result from the loss of such information, however, it undertakes to make all reasonable efforts and preventive actions to preserve and restore them. . In addition to the security measures of the server, you can download a complete backup of the files and databases of your site from time to time from the panel of your hosting account.

Responsibility for use of the site: Digital Runner is not responsible for the use that the client or third parties make of its website, among other circumstances, but not limited to them, namely: fraudulent orders on an ecommerce site, failures in the payment gateway, inappropriate content that could give rise to any claim or civil or criminal process, loss of profit by temporarily offline sites (whatever the reason for the account’s fall or suspension on the server), use of the server for spam, phishing or scams, hacker attacks or DDOS attacks.

Intellectual property: the client assumes any legal claim on rights or authorship of materials provided for development, decoupling Digital Runner from any direct or indirect legal action or claim.

Digital Runner at its discretion, and with the prior approval of the client, may use some royalty-free images or illustrations, acquired from recognized international photo banks, to complement the design.

Acceptable content: Digital Runner may reject or suspend any work or service, which in its discretion and understand, involves or incites any illegal activity, violence, discrimination, that is contrary to morality or good customs, that involves spam or cyber scams, or that violates existing laws.

Confidentiality: Digital Runner agrees not to disclose confidential data of your company or clients of your company, any data you provide us will be used only for the development of the entrusted work.

Use of this site: most of the content, including the writing of texts such as the one in this terms and conditions contract, logo and brand, are the intellectual property of Digital Runner, so any copy without authorization or plagiarism may be liable. of the legal actions that Digital Runner understands pertinent.

Modification of terms: Digital Runner reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions, at any time and without prior notice. In the case of clients with an ongoing development, the terms and conditions in force at the time of their contract will apply.

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